1903年    张冠玉先生,凭借实干兴邦、务实创业的精神,于1903年(清光绪   廿九年)独资创办合利企业。

Mr. Zhang Guanyu, by virtue of hard work and prosperous,Pragmatic entrepreneurship in 1903 (Guangxu 29 years) founded solely Hely enterprise.

1996年   第2代掌门人张元平师傅,将毕生所学技艺传授于张祖梁同志,获第3代掌门与传承人。

In 1996 the head of the second generation of master Zhang Yuanping, the life-long learning skillsTeach to Comrade Zhang Zuliang,won the third generation master and inheritance.

2008年   成立宁德市合众商贸有限公司,自主研发、设计、独创的“宝贝面”精制线面系列产品诞生,成为线面业内唯一高端的领导品牌。

 Ningde HeZong Trade Co., Ltd was established in 2008,Independent research and development, design, original "baby noodles" essenceHandmade noodles series products were born to become the industry's only handmade noodlesA leading brand.

2010年   在福建省福州市投办“福州合利食品有限公司",    于当年10月正式投产。

In 2010 in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province Investment Office "Fuzhou Hely Food Co., ltd.", Officially put into operation in October of that year.

2012年   福州合利食品有限公司完全实现集生产、销售、贸易多元化经营转型。获得了大量客户的亲睐。

2012 Fuzhou Hely Food Co., Ltd. fully realizedTransformation of production, sales and trade diversification. Obtained A large number of customers of the pro lai.

2016年  公司通过HACCP管理体系认证,获中国出入境检验检疫局出口备案,正式成为出口型企业,并与多国进出口公司签署战略合作协议,面向世界!

In 2016 the company passed the HACCP management system certification,China entry exit inspection and quarantine export record, formal Become an export oriented enterprise, and with the multinational import and export company signedDepartment of strategic cooperation agreement for the world!

2017年  公司投入1000万元在福建宁德蕉城区扩建智能线面生产线,于2018年9月通过SC全国工业生产许可、中国海关出口备案认证并正式投产。

In 2017, the company invested 10 million yuan to expand the intelligent production line in Jiaocheng District, Ningde, Fujian Province. In September 2018, the company passed the national industrial production license of SC, the certification of China Customs export record and put it into production formally.


There is a way, I believe the power of enterprise talent, the future we will play a more professional production, sales of professional

enterprise, Fuzhou Heli Food Co., Ltd. will work with you across a bright future together!